St Peter’s Church Tiverton is planning to embark on a substantial reordering project to provide updated facilities in the church and allow new expressions of worship.
As part of the process we have applied to The Diocese of Exeter for a Faculty for these works. This is the equivalent to an application for Town Planning approval for secular building works.
Having to live through difficult times under Covid-19 lockdown, the usual forms of advertising this application are not available to us and the diocese has requested we make as many people aware of our proposals as possible using alternative forms of advertising.
We have attached copies of all the drawings submitted to the diocese, starting with a set of drawings showing the building as it exists, followed by drawings that describe all the areas of work we plan to undertake. The list also include several drawings which examine the provenance of our existing pews. This is to make sure examples of all types remain when the works are complete.
A schedule of the works is as follows:
- Relocation of the font to the north of the Greenway Chapel screen, including the removal of the north facing pews in front of the screen and the relocation of some of these pews adjacent to the south porch.
- The removal of four rows of pews at the west end of the nave and aisles to provide a flexible use open space.
- A servery for hot drinks and light snacks in the north-west corner of the church, including provision for flower arrangers storage and workspace,
- A glazed draught lobby at the south porch, inside the church, to replace the existing solid timber structure.
- The removal of four rows of pews at the east end of the nave to allow the introduction of an extended dais.
- New removable nave altar furniture on the dais to allow liturgical and non-liturgical uses.
- Improved facilities for children located in the south-west corner of the church.
- Improved toilet accommodation with level access from the church, including a fully accessible WC and baby changing facilities. This will be located within a rebuilt external extension behind the north-west corner of the church, replacing the existing substandard post war block.
- Formation of a parish office and meeting room in the existing library/choir vestry in the north transept next to the organ.
- Provision for new storage facilities for chairs and books.
If you would like any further information would you please contact the Parish Office via email.

Architectural Drawings
These drawings are presented in pdf format. If you do not have a pdf reader then you can get one free of charge from the link at the bottom of the page.
Group 1: St Peter’s current buildings
Location Plan
Site Plan
Existing Ground Floor Plan
Existing Sections A & B
Existing Sections C & D
Existing North Elevation
Existing East Elevation
Existing South Elevation
Existing West Elevation
Existing Toilet Block North and West Elevations
Existing Toilet Block Floor Plan
Existing Toilet Block Roof Plan
Group 2: Proposed Alterations
Proposed Floor Plan
Proposed Pew Plan – Alterations Summary
Existing Floor Finishes
Proposed Floor Finishes
Existing Font
Proposed Font
Proposed Entrance Lobby
Proposed Dais Floor Alterations
Proposed Office
Proposed Servery
Proposed Childrens Area
Proposed Extension Floor Plan
Proposed Extension Roof Plan
Proposed Extension Elevations
Proposed Extension Section A-B
Proposed Extension Section C-D