St Peter’s Church Tiverton & St Thomas’ Chevithorne with Cove
What’s On at St Peter’s?
What’s On at St Thomas’?
Nothing from 17th February 2025 to 9th March 2025.
Welcome to St Peter’s, Tiverton – part of the Church of England in Devon. Christian prayer and worship have been offered at St Peter’s since 1073, probably longer. We look forward to welcoming you to the church in person and, until then, we hope that you enjoy exploring our website and discovering some of the things that make St Peter’s a unique and much loved part of life in Tiverton.
Our main service of the week is Holy Communion Contemporary language at 10.15 am on Sundays. In addition, a service of Holy Communion following the format of the Book of Common Prayer takes place at 8.00 am on the first Sunday of the month.
The Church has a strong musical tradition and hosts various events through out the year. Volunteers maintain and support the activities as shown in the calendar and invite newsomers, and those returning, to participate. Do contact the office for more information.
We try to keep the building open as shown in the calendar and particularly when the office is open.
Church Office
Enquiries for weddings, baptisms, funerals and other services are welcome. Best contact is through email
Emails and phone calls to 01884 242991 are monitored daily as the administrator works from home and the church office.
Week commencing 17th February the office is open:
Tuesday 18th Feb 09:00 – 11:15
Friday 21st Feb 09:00 – 11:15
Week commencing 24th February the office is open
Monday 24th Feb 09:00 – 10: 30
Thursday 27th Feb 09:00 – 11:00
Outside these hours best contact is through email.
Church Opening Times
St Peter’s Church is normally open to visitors at the following times, in addition to when the office is open:
Tuesdays 09:00-12:00
Thursdays 14:00-16:00
Please check the calendar details shown on the left as these are liable to change.
Pancake and coffee morning
To celebrate the last day before the start of Lent we invite you to a traditional coffee and pancake morning on Shrove Tuesday 4th March 10.00 – 11.30 in St Peter’s. This is a free event – donations welcome.
Ash Wednesday
There will be an Ash Wednesday service at St Andrew’s Church – Blundells Road on Wednesday March 5th at 11.00.
Breakfast Club.
Each first Sunday of the month a serving of coffee, croissant or bacon butties between the end of 8.00am Holy Communion and start of 10.15 Eucharist. A chance to refresh and be with fellow members of the congregation. Please so join us.
If you have a concern about someone’s safety, or about the actions of somebody working with children or vulnerable adults, please tell someone. The Safeguarding Officer for St Peter’s is Joanna Hall-Tomkin and further information is available in the safeguarding policy.Details of the safeguarding team for the Diocese of Exeter are available at: Young people who feel unhappy about something that is happening to them may wish to contact Childline on 0800 11 11. Anyone in immediate danger should call the Police on 999.
Help to Support St Peter’s Church
If you would like to support the Mission of St Peter’s and the work we do in the community, please consider making a donation through our Give a Little page.
Sunday services are held at St. Peter’s in Tiverton each week at 10.15am. This is a Communion service with modern language, sung with organ accompaniment. On the first Sunday of the month at 8.00am is a Communion service following the Book of Common Prayer.
At St Thomas’s there is a fortnightly service. This may be Morning Prayer or Communion – see calendar for details.
St Andrew’s church in Blundells Road has a mid week service at 11.00am each Tuesday in addition to the 9.30am Sunday Service.